Our Zell am See-Kaprun Card
SummerCard with many benefits (valid from 15/05 to 31/10)
When you stay at Hotel Tauernhof, you are perfectly equipped for your vacation in Zell am See – Kaprun: Our guests enjoy all the advantages of the Zell am See-Kaprun Card – without having to pay one cent extra, since the SummerCard is included in the price.
Benefit from free or discounted admission to the most popular attractions and natural monuments close to the Hotel Tauernhof Kaprun. Whether pure action at Adventure-Center Kaprun, relaxation at the Tauern Spa Resort or a delightful visit to a wildlife park – thanks to the wide selection of offers included with the SummerCard, there’s something for all tastes!
And of course, your trip out and back is also taken care of: The Zell am See-Kaprun Card includes local buses, trains and mountain lifts. Enjoy an excursion to the top of the Schmitten or a free ferry ride on Zeller See. From mid-May until end-October, no one here knows the meaning of the word “boredom” and exciting, activity-filled vacation days are guaranteed.
Discounted Attractions, Excursion Destinations & Sights
The following list shows you all of the participating businesses and attractions included in the Zell am See-Kaprun SummerCard.
Make a no-obligation inquiry now and look forward to an affordable vacation in Kaprun!
Mountain Lifts & Local Transportation
- Schmitten (Zell am See)
- Kitzsteinhorn (Kaprun)
- Maiskogel (Kaprun)
- Ferry service* (Zell am See)
Discounted Transportation:
- Bummelzug road train (Zell am See)
- Excursions with Vorderegger Reisen (Zell am See)
- Steam trains on the Pinzgauer Lokalbahn line (Zell/Kaprun-Krimml)
Museums & Indoor Activities
- Indoor pool, Zell am See
- Kaprun Museum
- Pinzgau Heritage Museum at Schloss Ritzen (Saalfelden)
- Historic mine in Leogang incl. Knappenstube (Leogang)
- Mining & Gothic Museum (Leogang)
Discounted Indoor Experiences:
- Sunset Ticket TAUERN SPA Kaprun
- Diesel Kino (cinema in Bruck a. d. Grossglocknerstrasse)
- Folk Evening at Kaprun Castle
- Mühlauersäge sawmill in Fusch/Glocknerstrasse
- Vötter's Vehicle Museum (Kaprun)
Nature Experiences & Amusement Parks
- High-mountain reservoirs (Kaprun)
- 3 lakeshore beaches (Zell am See)
- Sigmund Thun Klamm (gorge in Kaprun)
- Hohe Tauern National Park Center (Mittersill)
- Ferleiten Wildlife & Amusement Park (Fusch/Ferleiten a. d. Glocknerstrasse)
- Kitzlochklamm (gorge in Taxenbach)
- Vorderkaserklamm (gorge in St. Martin)
- Seisenbergklamm (gorge in Weissbach)
- Krimml Waterfalls
Discounted Experiences:
- Guided tour of the dam wall, Kaprun
- Grossglockner High-Alpine Road, between Ferleiten and Heiligenblut
- Wondrous World of Water, Krimml
Discounted Sporting Opportunities
- Woferlgut - Adventure Golf (Bruck a. d. Grossglocknerstrasse)
- Bike rentals Bründl Sports (Kaprun)
- Minigolf Bleiweis-Zehentner in Schüttdorf (Zell am See)
- Tennis courts in Schüttdorf (Zell am See)
Zell am See - Kaprun Card
from mid-May to end-October
the most diverse leisure activities in the
Alps - all included in the price!
Hotel Tauernhof ****
Families Gschwandtner & Reinhart
Nikolaus-Gassner-Str. 9
+43 6547 8235-0